
Get secure, reliable and safe-conduct to your election & online voting in a quicker and the most confined way.

At the point when innovation is the way of standing tall. At the point when complex and dreary processes hold you up. At the point when security and unwavering quality of surveying and decisions is your concern. WE CAN HELP.

We work across numerous affiliations, ventures, and bodies, as mentioned below:

        Professional affiliations

        Trade affiliations

        Business affiliations

        Limited/Unlimited organizations and NGOs

        Housing social orders

        Cooperative social orders

        Councils, Corporations

        College and University understudy affiliations

        Sports clubs

        Political parties

        Sorts of casting ballot processes that Pollbag addresses

Particular vote

Expert and business affiliations, social orders, clubs, ideological groups, Colleges/Universities and Unions have a place with this classification.

These bodies choose single posts, for example, President, Treasurer and so forth or a panel that has a fixed number of individuals with the same job, to be browsed challenging chosen people. In India, these bodies are enlisted as a trust under Charity Commission or as a Non-revenue driven Society

Weighted votes

Restricted Companies contain Private and Public Limited organizations. Investors of the organizations have voting right.

The organizations need to agree with the guidelines for the objective passed by the overall body of the investors or individuals. Each vote in this has a weight proportionate to the offer holding of the comparing part.

Special votes

This applies for the most part to the Councils involving the chosen individuals, who ordinarily address a locale/zone/class of the overall enrolment.

In India, each state ( territory ) has an administrative board or the upper house, wherein, the agents are chosen by special voting. Here, the vote can be moved to different inclinations for the competitors according to specific guidelines, which makes the manual counting process incredibly tedious. This sort of voting is embraced by the Bar Council of India and numerous different committees.

Assessment of public sentiment

This applies to any affiliation. It is by and large like voting however rather than a post one decision in favour of or against an issue or a subject.

Assessment of public sentiment can be taken on any significant matter that needs a bigger association than the main body. It is known as a mandate if a legitimate activity is ordered by the result of the Opinion Poll. This is an extremely viable tool to evaluate the aggregate outlook of the individuals. Pollbag offers helpful membership packs that incorporate a specific number of assessments of public sentiment alongside the decisions.